Monday, December 12, 2011

Watergate #2

Frost / Nixon (2008)

Director: Ron Howard
Stars; Frank Langella
Michael Sheen

English talk show host David Frost offers a battle to Richard Nixon who lost his power because of Watergate incident.

This battle is actually a official interview to Richard Nixon.
Since he never apologize about Watergate,
what every American people want to hear from him is his apology.

And David Frost knows that,
he schemes he can be famous in the U.S. succeeding at his interview.

On the other hand, Nixon's purpose of this interview is to talk about rest of his career to achieve his desire to get back to where he once belonged.
When he was asked about Watergate, he changes his subject soon!
This technique is clever.

On the last day of the interview,
 while their dialogue heats up and gets more stressed.
Finally, Frost catches Nixon's unbelievable state!

Two big desire of two men.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Watergate #1

All The President's Men (1976)

Director: Alan J. Pakula
Writers: Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward
Stars: Dustin Hoffman
Robert Redford

Two young journalists working at the Washington post runs for big news which is known as Watergate.

    Dustin as Carl Bernstein                                         
                                                                           Robert as Bob Woodward

They go  out for investigation everyday until they can get clear evidence because the boss of the Washington post knew that this attempt to reveal the relevance between Watergate and White house was too dangerous to publish without evidence.
Boss orders to find 100 % sure resource for this incident.

As Deep Throat (someone knows the fact of Watergate, seems to be working for the Government) gives some hints to them, they come close to the core of Watergate.

Overcoming several dangerous phases,
They Finally succeed to publish.

Two young men changed the world !
All people who are interested in journalism must watch this.

Their boss leaves moving message to them at last,
"freedom of press and maybe the future of the country rides on THIS"

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tokyo International Film Festival

#1 House of Tolerance (2011, France)

Director: Bertrand Bonello

First, I simply enjoyed nudes !

Well, All these prostitutes had to be a fire in the dark.
It attracts men.

But what about inside of the fire?
There is no real fire there.
Men are playing in dream, created world. and so are all girls.
All struggle.

Last scene that one girl from this house is leaving seems she is releasing her mind to her new world.
She can live in real world from now on.
That was impressive.
You should look carefully at their faces.
No emotions in the house.

#2 Detachment (2012, United States)

Director: Tony Kaye
Stars: Adrien Brody
Lucy Liu
Sami Gayle

This one is about current situation in American education.

This film tells us how important all children feel love from their parents.
Teachers can understand troubles each student holds.
But most of time it requires "love".
When teachers refuse, it may let them kill themselves out of despair.
How can teachers face to them then?

#3 Albert Nobbs (2012, Unites States)

Director: Rodrigo Garcia
Stars: Mia Wasikowska
Aaron Johnson
Glenn Close

Hard times for ladies to live.
She died in the end, but by living as a man,
she could live with a wonderful dream.

She can say it was a good life.

#4 Trishna (2012, Netherlands)

#5 Corman's World (2011, United States)

A documentary film of Roger Corman.
I didn't know him before, but I realized he is a great man thorough this film.
God of making low cost film.

I'll try seeing his works.

#6 Bonsai (2011, France)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time travel in one day

Back to the Future I, II, III (1985, 89, 90)

Since I caught a cold, I stayed at my room all day watching movies.

Needless to say this series is great !
I have watched it over and over again though.

Maybe it's impossible to see the world with time travel in real....
that cause too much trouble.


Hello James !

East of Eden (1955)

Writer: John Steinbeck
Director: Elia Kazan
Stars: James Dean
Julie Harris

I fell in love with James Dean at first sight !!

It took almost one month to read original navel by John Steinbeck
which is so dynamic story covering 3 generations of two families.

This story is basically based on the story of Cain and Abel from Bible.

Both of Cain and Abel gave God Yahweh their presents one day.
Yahweh liked little sheep Abel gave, but didn't pay much attention to crop Cain gave.
Cain got mad at this, and he killed Abel.
Yahweh expelled Cain to east of eden.

The story is just simple like this.

John Steinbeck's East of Eden is telling us that
we cannot help but repeating things like this over generations.

This is about love.

Back to the film,
Elia Kazan had visualized last part of original nocel.

James Dean as Cal (stands for Cain) wants to be loved by his Father Adam,
but somehow his father likes Aron (Cal's twin brother) more than Cal.

Still, Cal tries to obtain father's love.

I want this novel is read by many people in the world.
It may let you dive into the world of this novel and you can think about meaning of our lives.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Took a class of Michael Sandel.
I mean I watched a TV program.

This time, our topic starts with the story of Osama Bin Laden.

1. U.S. killed him in the name of victims to 9.11 and fear of terrorism.
Do you think this is Just?

There were about 20 students from China, Japan and the U.S.
Some say this is just and some say not.

To think about this question, we had two more other questions.

2. Four of U.S. soldiers were spying in Afghanistan.
But they were caught in sight of goatherd.
What they should do?
kill them just in case they tell enemy this thing?
release them because they seem nothing to do with this matter?

3. Two planes were hijacked by terrorists.
One is already plunged into a tall building in the big city.
The other one also seems to be dive into the city killing a lot of people down there.
Is it just to shoot that plane to save life on the ground?

As a conclusion, Sandel  gave us some hints.
To think about these questions, there are three main themes.

1. theory of number
It is just to kill somebody to save large number of people.

2. One's dignity
Nevertheless there exists the problem of number, we should respect one's dignity.

3.problems beyond them
All three questions we faced today would be classified here.
We have to think both 1 and 2 at the same time and sometimes it is urgent decision.

It's ultimately difficult to decide and we'll never know which is right or wrong.

What is Justice ?
The more we think over this matter, we dive into bigger maze.


Dreams of explorers

Sanctum (2011)

F**k 3D !!
Let me put the story aside.

There was no 2D as an option, so I had to choose 3D.
However this is not an action movie.
There was no good of watching this with 3D.

Ohhh, I hate 3D !
Hate it hate it hate it !
just making it expensive.
I rather watch this kind of film 2D than f**kin' 3D.

By the way, it was telling us the mystery of our earth.
It made me go exploring ! yay !


Retreat Hell !!

Battle Los Angeles (2011)

Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Stars: Aaron Eckhart
Michelle Rodriguez

The battle with aliens.
They have to conquer the fear of fighting with creatures came to invade the earth.
Although all U.S. soldiers fought fiercely, few of them survived.
It depends on one group of Army whether or not human beings can survive or not.
That's the story.

Fight was powerful and dynamic.
and I liked it.

But story is too simple and lack of detail I thought.

Nothing much to say to this.
I could enjoy watching this film though.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Paradise again !

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)

Director: Giuseppe Tornatore

Needless to say, this is a masterpiece.
Thought over the story of a soldier who waited princess for 99 days and finally had left her place on the day of promise.
Alfred said he was afraid of breaking promise.
But my opinion is different.
He knew now she loves him.
and now the time she runs for him, so he doesn't have to wait for her anymore.

Maybe both Toto and Elena would continue to love each other which will never be born any fruit.
Especially Toto cannot give up on her.

But it's good enough for them just knowing they love each other, just like the story of soldier and princess.

Talk to her (2002)

Benigno taking care of Alicia never be caught off his care just in case she wakes up from long time sleep.
On the other hand, Marco cannot talk to his girl because he thinks she is totally different and she is not what she used to be anymore.

At last story shifts to the relationship between Marco and Alicia, but I don't pay any attention to it if he runs for her for his own benefit.

Benigno was a great man.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Citroen 2CV

I'm not interested in cars much,
but I found a nice car.

I'll love this car if I can get one.

cute !


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tree of LIfe (2011)

Director: Terrence Malick
Stars: Brad Pitt
Sean Penn

I Hated this Film.
I just wasted my time.

I had a expectation to this film when I saw a trailer of it,
But Ughhh, 
No defference between movie and trailer.

There's nothing in this film.

Well, I say I like the story and background of it.
But I wanted to see the result.
This resolve nothing.

And Sean Penn.
What was he doing?



In these days...

I've been doing busy these days.
I have no time to go to movie theatre. :((

I watched just 4 movies in this 2 or 3 weeks.

Thick as Thieves (2009)

This is a story about two professional thieves.
They were thick as thieves.

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)

I like French movie for some reason.
this photo right side above is from opening of this movie.
There's something makes me feel goooooood.

Nana Mouskouri - I will wait for you

Brother Bear (2003)

Such misunderstandings we have in our life.

need to love your brother and think about being human.

Brother Bear Trailer


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (Part1:2010, Part2:2011)

This is the end of longest and largest fantasy which has been and of course will continue to be loved in 21st century.

Well, I don't remember most of part of whole story before this one (HP7),
but I was relieved in a sense when I finished watching.
All mystery has gone.

I feel like I've been growing up with Harry Potter.
I mean, Harry was just a kid in the story of first and so was I. I was just 11 or 12.
Now Harry is matured and so am I.

I liked them at last for some reason. They are nice and cool.


Cars 1 and 2

Cars (2006), Cars 2 (2011)

Story is better in Cars 1 than 2.

1 is about pure friendship and love.
But spying comes to the main in 2.

You could enjoy the graphics in Cars 2 by the way.
They drive more than 3 or 4 countries.

beautiful, romantic.....just amazing.

I had fun with the scene of toilet in Japan.
I guess that often happens to foreigner.

Cars 2

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Run ! Forrest Run !

Forrest Gump (1994)

Director: Robert Zemeckis
Stars: Tom Hanks
Robin Wright

He only does what people want him to do.

He runs when someone says run.
He stop when someone say stop.

He is a simple man with a little brain activity.

However, He influences so many people with his behavior.

He can even love somebody.

He never give up to live.


Once there was a Robot

Iron Giant (1999)

Director: Brad Bird
Writer: Ted Hughes (book)
Tim McCanlies (screenplay)

This giant robot and Hogarth became friends.
Why mean adult cuts in and tries to break their relationship?
He can't believe that the robot is not harmful.
This is sad.

The iron giant actually saves the earth at the cost of himself.
This is moving.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today we are together, but tomorrow we may not. It all depends on...

(500) Days of Summer

Director: Marc Webb
Stars: Zooey Deschanel
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Geoffrey Arend

bit of 60's tasted movie.
The way story goes on is unique.
It goes back and forth over and over again.

She knocked out me.
Zooey Deschanel !

I realized that she starred in Almost Famous, my favorite.

Dark brown hair suits to her very much.

I like mystery women.
I mean,
All women has some kind of mysterious thing inside which men never understand.
And I feel it is women's beauty.

We, all men will be surprised by that and love it.
But finally, Whatever she does, it's beyond men's imagination.

Tom goes to talk to his friend, little girl when he has trouble with his love.
This girl is just a kid, but she can give him advises.

Women are women regardless of ages.
Even though she is little, she can understand how Summer feels.
But Tom doesn't.

That's interesting. :))

(Zooey is talking about this film here.)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tango again... Che!

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Director: Wlater Salles
Writer: Ernesto Che Guevara
Alberto Granado
Stars: Gael Garcia Bernal
Rodrigo De la Serna
Mia Maestro

I've been just keeping this film for years but never watched.
Finaly, I did.

As you know, Ernesto Guevara is a great person 
and known for the leader of Cuban Revolution.

You will see how he grew up through his journey with his friend Alberto.
He faces so many people on his way from Argentina to venezuela,
and he is surprised by the reality that quite a few person live with a little money.
also he is disappointed by that.
He seems to have made up his mind...

One thing you can have fun with this film is a landscape.
Amazon river, Machu Picchu, Atacama Desert, and so on !

tango and manbo are fascinating parts of this film!
