Monday, December 12, 2011

Watergate #2

Frost / Nixon (2008)

Director: Ron Howard
Stars; Frank Langella
Michael Sheen

English talk show host David Frost offers a battle to Richard Nixon who lost his power because of Watergate incident.

This battle is actually a official interview to Richard Nixon.
Since he never apologize about Watergate,
what every American people want to hear from him is his apology.

And David Frost knows that,
he schemes he can be famous in the U.S. succeeding at his interview.

On the other hand, Nixon's purpose of this interview is to talk about rest of his career to achieve his desire to get back to where he once belonged.
When he was asked about Watergate, he changes his subject soon!
This technique is clever.

On the last day of the interview,
 while their dialogue heats up and gets more stressed.
Finally, Frost catches Nixon's unbelievable state!

Two big desire of two men.

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