Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tango again... Che!

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Director: Wlater Salles
Writer: Ernesto Che Guevara
Alberto Granado
Stars: Gael Garcia Bernal
Rodrigo De la Serna
Mia Maestro

I've been just keeping this film for years but never watched.
Finaly, I did.

As you know, Ernesto Guevara is a great person 
and known for the leader of Cuban Revolution.

You will see how he grew up through his journey with his friend Alberto.
He faces so many people on his way from Argentina to venezuela,
and he is surprised by the reality that quite a few person live with a little money.
also he is disappointed by that.
He seems to have made up his mind...

One thing you can have fun with this film is a landscape.
Amazon river, Machu Picchu, Atacama Desert, and so on !

tango and manbo are fascinating parts of this film!


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