Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Took a class of Michael Sandel.
I mean I watched a TV program.

This time, our topic starts with the story of Osama Bin Laden.

1. U.S. killed him in the name of victims to 9.11 and fear of terrorism.
Do you think this is Just?

There were about 20 students from China, Japan and the U.S.
Some say this is just and some say not.

To think about this question, we had two more other questions.

2. Four of U.S. soldiers were spying in Afghanistan.
But they were caught in sight of goatherd.
What they should do?
kill them just in case they tell enemy this thing?
release them because they seem nothing to do with this matter?

3. Two planes were hijacked by terrorists.
One is already plunged into a tall building in the big city.
The other one also seems to be dive into the city killing a lot of people down there.
Is it just to shoot that plane to save life on the ground?

As a conclusion, Sandel  gave us some hints.
To think about these questions, there are three main themes.

1. theory of number
It is just to kill somebody to save large number of people.

2. One's dignity
Nevertheless there exists the problem of number, we should respect one's dignity.

3.problems beyond them
All three questions we faced today would be classified here.
We have to think both 1 and 2 at the same time and sometimes it is urgent decision.

It's ultimately difficult to decide and we'll never know which is right or wrong.

What is Justice ?
The more we think over this matter, we dive into bigger maze.


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