Friday, September 23, 2011

Paradise again !

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)

Director: Giuseppe Tornatore

Needless to say, this is a masterpiece.
Thought over the story of a soldier who waited princess for 99 days and finally had left her place on the day of promise.
Alfred said he was afraid of breaking promise.
But my opinion is different.
He knew now she loves him.
and now the time she runs for him, so he doesn't have to wait for her anymore.

Maybe both Toto and Elena would continue to love each other which will never be born any fruit.
Especially Toto cannot give up on her.

But it's good enough for them just knowing they love each other, just like the story of soldier and princess.

Talk to her (2002)

Benigno taking care of Alicia never be caught off his care just in case she wakes up from long time sleep.
On the other hand, Marco cannot talk to his girl because he thinks she is totally different and she is not what she used to be anymore.

At last story shifts to the relationship between Marco and Alicia, but I don't pay any attention to it if he runs for her for his own benefit.

Benigno was a great man.

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