Monday, June 27, 2011

Lies make us happy

Big Fish (2003)

Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Ewan MacGregor
Albert Finney
Billy Crudup
Helena Bonham carter
Alison Lohman
Marion Cotillard
Steve Buscemi

Oh, don't you get excited when you just see these stars?

Well, I do !

First of all,
I liked this story.
I was touched.

It's boring to tell stories as they are.
Our lives are going to be awesome by just putting flavor called "lie"

A man tells stories so many times
that he becomes the stories.
They live after on him.

Look at this!!

The world Tim Burton makes perfectly suits this story.
There is an air of fantasy and a dreamy atmosphere.
This is a scene in the movie fulfilled with fantasy.

Ewan and Alison

and a song by Pearl Jam is great !

Man of the hour / Pearl Jam

Story line

Edward Bloom tells stories of his entire life to his son hundred times.
But each one of them are unbelievable.
So, Will Bloom never believe these stories are true.

Edward goes to the hospital because of his disease and he won't last long.
Will tries to go into the world of his father's tale
and lets his father die in that world which he never see.

At the funeral,
All the people in the tale of father come together to say goodbye to Edward.

Hey Will,
do you still think your father was a lier?


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