Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello James !

East of Eden (1955)

Writer: John Steinbeck
Director: Elia Kazan
Stars: James Dean
Julie Harris

I fell in love with James Dean at first sight !!

It took almost one month to read original navel by John Steinbeck
which is so dynamic story covering 3 generations of two families.

This story is basically based on the story of Cain and Abel from Bible.

Both of Cain and Abel gave God Yahweh their presents one day.
Yahweh liked little sheep Abel gave, but didn't pay much attention to crop Cain gave.
Cain got mad at this, and he killed Abel.
Yahweh expelled Cain to east of eden.

The story is just simple like this.

John Steinbeck's East of Eden is telling us that
we cannot help but repeating things like this over generations.

This is about love.

Back to the film,
Elia Kazan had visualized last part of original nocel.

James Dean as Cal (stands for Cain) wants to be loved by his Father Adam,
but somehow his father likes Aron (Cal's twin brother) more than Cal.

Still, Cal tries to obtain father's love.

I want this novel is read by many people in the world.
It may let you dive into the world of this novel and you can think about meaning of our lives.


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