Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Took a class of Michael Sandel.
I mean I watched a TV program.

This time, our topic starts with the story of Osama Bin Laden.

1. U.S. killed him in the name of victims to 9.11 and fear of terrorism.
Do you think this is Just?

There were about 20 students from China, Japan and the U.S.
Some say this is just and some say not.

To think about this question, we had two more other questions.

2. Four of U.S. soldiers were spying in Afghanistan.
But they were caught in sight of goatherd.
What they should do?
kill them just in case they tell enemy this thing?
release them because they seem nothing to do with this matter?

3. Two planes were hijacked by terrorists.
One is already plunged into a tall building in the big city.
The other one also seems to be dive into the city killing a lot of people down there.
Is it just to shoot that plane to save life on the ground?

As a conclusion, Sandel  gave us some hints.
To think about these questions, there are three main themes.

1. theory of number
It is just to kill somebody to save large number of people.

2. One's dignity
Nevertheless there exists the problem of number, we should respect one's dignity.

3.problems beyond them
All three questions we faced today would be classified here.
We have to think both 1 and 2 at the same time and sometimes it is urgent decision.

It's ultimately difficult to decide and we'll never know which is right or wrong.

What is Justice ?
The more we think over this matter, we dive into bigger maze.


Dreams of explorers

Sanctum (2011)

F**k 3D !!
Let me put the story aside.

There was no 2D as an option, so I had to choose 3D.
However this is not an action movie.
There was no good of watching this with 3D.

Ohhh, I hate 3D !
Hate it hate it hate it !
just making it expensive.
I rather watch this kind of film 2D than f**kin' 3D.

By the way, it was telling us the mystery of our earth.
It made me go exploring ! yay !


Retreat Hell !!

Battle Los Angeles (2011)

Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Stars: Aaron Eckhart
Michelle Rodriguez

The battle with aliens.
They have to conquer the fear of fighting with creatures came to invade the earth.
Although all U.S. soldiers fought fiercely, few of them survived.
It depends on one group of Army whether or not human beings can survive or not.
That's the story.

Fight was powerful and dynamic.
and I liked it.

But story is too simple and lack of detail I thought.

Nothing much to say to this.
I could enjoy watching this film though.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Paradise again !

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)

Director: Giuseppe Tornatore

Needless to say, this is a masterpiece.
Thought over the story of a soldier who waited princess for 99 days and finally had left her place on the day of promise.
Alfred said he was afraid of breaking promise.
But my opinion is different.
He knew now she loves him.
and now the time she runs for him, so he doesn't have to wait for her anymore.

Maybe both Toto and Elena would continue to love each other which will never be born any fruit.
Especially Toto cannot give up on her.

But it's good enough for them just knowing they love each other, just like the story of soldier and princess.

Talk to her (2002)

Benigno taking care of Alicia never be caught off his care just in case she wakes up from long time sleep.
On the other hand, Marco cannot talk to his girl because he thinks she is totally different and she is not what she used to be anymore.

At last story shifts to the relationship between Marco and Alicia, but I don't pay any attention to it if he runs for her for his own benefit.

Benigno was a great man.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Citroen 2CV

I'm not interested in cars much,
but I found a nice car.

I'll love this car if I can get one.

cute !
