Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Run ! Forrest Run !

Forrest Gump (1994)

Director: Robert Zemeckis
Stars: Tom Hanks
Robin Wright

He only does what people want him to do.

He runs when someone says run.
He stop when someone say stop.

He is a simple man with a little brain activity.

However, He influences so many people with his behavior.

He can even love somebody.

He never give up to live.


Once there was a Robot

Iron Giant (1999)

Director: Brad Bird
Writer: Ted Hughes (book)
Tim McCanlies (screenplay)

This giant robot and Hogarth became friends.
Why mean adult cuts in and tries to break their relationship?
He can't believe that the robot is not harmful.
This is sad.

The iron giant actually saves the earth at the cost of himself.
This is moving.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today we are together, but tomorrow we may not. It all depends on...

(500) Days of Summer

Director: Marc Webb
Stars: Zooey Deschanel
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Geoffrey Arend

bit of 60's tasted movie.
The way story goes on is unique.
It goes back and forth over and over again.

She knocked out me.
Zooey Deschanel !

I realized that she starred in Almost Famous, my favorite.

Dark brown hair suits to her very much.

I like mystery women.
I mean,
All women has some kind of mysterious thing inside which men never understand.
And I feel it is women's beauty.

We, all men will be surprised by that and love it.
But finally, Whatever she does, it's beyond men's imagination.

Tom goes to talk to his friend, little girl when he has trouble with his love.
This girl is just a kid, but she can give him advises.

Women are women regardless of ages.
Even though she is little, she can understand how Summer feels.
But Tom doesn't.

That's interesting. :))

(Zooey is talking about this film here.)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tango again... Che!

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Director: Wlater Salles
Writer: Ernesto Che Guevara
Alberto Granado
Stars: Gael Garcia Bernal
Rodrigo De la Serna
Mia Maestro

I've been just keeping this film for years but never watched.
Finaly, I did.

As you know, Ernesto Guevara is a great person 
and known for the leader of Cuban Revolution.

You will see how he grew up through his journey with his friend Alberto.
He faces so many people on his way from Argentina to venezuela,
and he is surprised by the reality that quite a few person live with a little money.
also he is disappointed by that.
He seems to have made up his mind...

One thing you can have fun with this film is a landscape.
Amazon river, Machu Picchu, Atacama Desert, and so on !

tango and manbo are fascinating parts of this film!
