Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tree of LIfe (2011)

Director: Terrence Malick
Stars: Brad Pitt
Sean Penn

I Hated this Film.
I just wasted my time.

I had a expectation to this film when I saw a trailer of it,
But Ughhh, 
No defference between movie and trailer.

There's nothing in this film.

Well, I say I like the story and background of it.
But I wanted to see the result.
This resolve nothing.

And Sean Penn.
What was he doing?



In these days...

I've been doing busy these days.
I have no time to go to movie theatre. :((

I watched just 4 movies in this 2 or 3 weeks.

Thick as Thieves (2009)

This is a story about two professional thieves.
They were thick as thieves.

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)

I like French movie for some reason.
this photo right side above is from opening of this movie.
There's something makes me feel goooooood.

Nana Mouskouri - I will wait for you

Brother Bear (2003)

Such misunderstandings we have in our life.

need to love your brother and think about being human.

Brother Bear Trailer


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (Part1:2010, Part2:2011)

This is the end of longest and largest fantasy which has been and of course will continue to be loved in 21st century.

Well, I don't remember most of part of whole story before this one (HP7),
but I was relieved in a sense when I finished watching.
All mystery has gone.

I feel like I've been growing up with Harry Potter.
I mean, Harry was just a kid in the story of first and so was I. I was just 11 or 12.
Now Harry is matured and so am I.

I liked them at last for some reason. They are nice and cool.


Cars 1 and 2

Cars (2006), Cars 2 (2011)

Story is better in Cars 1 than 2.

1 is about pure friendship and love.
But spying comes to the main in 2.

You could enjoy the graphics in Cars 2 by the way.
They drive more than 3 or 4 countries.

beautiful, romantic.....just amazing.

I had fun with the scene of toilet in Japan.
I guess that often happens to foreigner.

Cars 2